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Product Safety Certification

1. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials): ASTM is an American standards organization that develops a range of standards for testing and assessing material and product performance. ASTM standards are commonly used to ensure product quality and safety.

2. BS EN71: BS EN71 is a European standard used to assess the safety of children's toys. This standard includes a series of tests to ensure that toys do not pose a danger to children.
3. CPC (Children's Product Certificate): CPC is a certificate issued by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to certify that children's products comply with the requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). It ensures the safety and compliance of products.
4. CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act): CPSIA is a U.S. law aimed at improving the safety of consumer products, especially those intended for children. CPSIA requires manufacturers to provide CPC certificates and comply with a range of safety standards.
5. EN71: EN71 is the European standard for toy safety, similar to BS EN71, used to assess the safety and compliance of toys.
6. UKCA: The UKCA marking is the UK's product compliance mark, replacing the CE marking. It indicates that a product complies with the legal requirements in the United Kingdom, including safety standards.
7. 10P:This refers to the testing for "10 Phthalates" in products, particularly plastics. Phthalates are chemicals used in plastics for flexibility. The 10P certification indicates compliance with safety standards limiting phthalates, crucial for products like children's toys and childcare items.